I’ve always liked to tell this particular joke: what do you call a legless chicken? Well, you still call it a chicken. If I were to chop off your legs, would you still be yourself? Or would you become an entirely new species without legs? Unfortunately, our ancestors have never had any humour for banter like this to understand the jest’s niceties. People have been ostracised for being different. What of the women who were knowledgeable with medicinal properties of herbs? Cast them unto stakes and have them burned alive . What of the native Blacks? Brand them and own them as slaves . What of the atheist who doesn’t believe in the divine? Bind him in shackles and have him stoned to death . So you see, people never did appreciate others for being different. Instead, some have feared others for knowing things they did not; some were jealous of others having things they did not; some just wanted to flaunt their “power” and bully others; some were sadistic and needed a pats...
Kurai Noberusu
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