One upon a time, I found a suitcase In it, lied a book and quill Left for me out the front, I brought it into my house I dipped the quill, In what I would say fine ink I started writing stories, Of things I wish had happened In the book Everything I wrote, Came true Be it my promotion, Good luck and Success I learnt I could play God, I manipulated the world, With things you thought Could only imagine I changed the results of horse races, All in my favour The stock market, All to my benefit Soon enough, I became The richest man in the world But that wasn’t enough, To satisfy my greed I soon wrote about, Becoming God Nothing happened, Or so I thought God came down the Earth, Proclaiming that could only be, One true God God unleashed his furry How sorry I was In my defence, I flipped open, The book to find, No pages left This whole time, I was just writing a book Of my life All...
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