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Showing posts from February, 2020

Smoking a Poem - Marc Daniel Nair Analysis

Smoking a Poem - Marc Daniel Nair I am constantly on the look-out for poets, chain-rhyming , five-stanza-a-day poets, palming their pencil and notebook in back pockets, lighting up lines with the practised ease of habit. I search for them in sunlit corners of trains, Between shelves of public libraries. I find them pacing and waiting at bus-stops, stubbing out the ends of pencils, flicking ashen words onto paper. There is no mistaking the poet’s scent; to tangle of joy and fear to exhale a word and stub out the idea before the bus draws near. Sometimes I peer over the shoulders of strangers when I see them turn serious and begin to scribble. But often, it’s a list of things to do, groceries, accounts. These everyday words are safe; they give me a rush from breathing in someone else’s simile. Where have all the serial poets gone? Those who only smoke unfiltered; huffing hard packs of dense images that incite the potential to kill or caus...

Connected by the oceans; can we work together to protect the environment?

We tell ourselves each and every day that we need to recycle this and reuse that yet, do we truly lead an eco-friendly lifestyle? We share a common earth. Approximately 220 million years ago, all the world’s continents were but actually one huge landmass which had gradually split up into today’ continents according to geologists. However, even though our continents are no longer physically connected, it does not mean that we, the inhabitants of this earth, cannot be united. We fight for our own lands, be it America, Britain, India or even Singapore. We fight for the greater good of our homes and defend our culture, our people and our environment. We all share a common goal. Earth has provided its lands for us to build our homes; should we not be grateful to Mother Nature and protect and preserve it to the best of our abilities? As people of the same earth, should we not unite for our common cause to protect our world? Yet, instead of working together, we are working against each ot...